Documentary and Book on Mitchell Cameras???

Feel free to discuss any topic related to the Mitchell Camera. Both 35 mm and 16 mm models are welcomed here. Also consider posting topics of other major motion picture cameras that you feel are important to the development of the Mitchell Camera. Feel free to upload a photo from the option on each new post.
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Joined: Fri Mar 21, 2014 2:45 pm

Documentary and Book on Mitchell Cameras???

Post by marop » Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:04 am

Hello all,

I ran across an interesting website the other day, a production company, Identity Features, is working on a documentary "The Camera That Was Hollywood"! Yes, it's about the Mitchell camera. They are planning a companion "coffee table" book and even a quarter scale model of a camera! I contacted the producer, James Arcuri. Apparently he was interested in cameras since he was a kid, as many of us. The project was on the back burner but he is now getting back to it, so he is trying to find funding. Apparently Kodak is willing to donate film, if he films this, as opposed to acquiring footage digitally. James plans on obtaining a BNC to film it, of course. The book/documentary/model set will be limited, I think he said an edition of 363, the amount of BNCs that were made. No price yet as it's still too early.

Here is a link if anyone is interested. ... ro-letter/

Myself and some other people are trying to put together a book of our own. A coffee table book on cameras, but this is a more general book starting with hand cranked cameras and of course including Mitchells as well as the Bell & Howell 2709. This would be more of a labor of love than anything else and would be a self published print on demand book. The vintage ads in the other thread are a great source of information.

I just hope something gets done by someone! There are few resources for information on these cameras.


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Re: Documentary and Book on Mitchell Cameras???

Post by mitchellbnc » Sat Oct 04, 2014 9:07 pm

Hello Mark and thank you for reporting out on this great project. We would be happy to help here at in any way we can. Please keep us informed.


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Re: Documentary and Book on Mitchell Cameras???

Post by marop » Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:21 pm

Here is a draft of the poster for the documentary.

Draft Poster for Mitchell Camera Documentary

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